Die vierte Ausgabe des Journal for Medical Education (JME) im Jahr 2023 ist am 15.06.2023 erschienen (Volume 40, Issue 4) – wie immer bilingual – auf Deutsch und auf Englisch.
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Sonnige Grüße und wir wünschen Ihnen und Euch eine spannende Lektüre und viel Freude beim Lesen
Anja Härtl und Beate Hespelein

Was Sie in der aktuellen Ausgabe der JME (Volume 40, Issue 4) finden:
Generative AI (gAI) in medical education: chat-GPT and co
S. Moritz, B. Romeike, C. Stosch, D. Tolks
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001636
Objective and subjective consequences of pandemic-related study program changes for the perception of the practical year – a comparison of medical students in Germany with and without a second state examination
M. Gisi, V. Ferrari, F. Dubon, M. R. Fischer, M. Angstwurm, M. Berndt
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001635
Factors promoting willingness to practice medicine in rural regions and awareness of rural regions in the university’s catchment area – cross-sectional survey among medical students in Central Germany
C. Brütting, S. Hergert, F. Bauch, M. Nafziger, A. Klingenberg, T. Deutsch, T. Frese
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001634
What motivates GPs to train medical students in their own practice? A questionnaire survey on the motivation of medical practices to train students as an approach to acquire training practices
L. Daunert, S. Schulz, T. Lehmann, J. Bleidorn, I. Petruschke
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001633
Are live lectures a discontinued model? A survey on the influence of synchronous online lecturing on the perception of teaching and assessment outcome
J. Osten, V. Behrens, S. Behrens, A. Herrler, T. Clarner
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001632
Which digital learning strategies do undergraduate dentistry students favor? A questionnaire survey at a German university
A. B. Kruse, M. Isailov-Schöchlin, M. Giesler, P. Ratka-Krüger
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001631
Learning surgical knot tying and suturing technique – effects of different forms of training in a controlled randomized trial with dental student
S. Dasci, H. Schrem, F. Oldhafer, O. Beetz, D. Kleine-Döpke, F. Vondran, J. Beneke, A. Sarisin, W. Ramackers
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001630
Successful implementation of a rater training program for medical students to evaluate simulated pediatric emergencies
N. Mand, T. Stibane, H. Sitter, R. F. Maier, A. Leonhardt
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001629
The influence of patient-centered teaching on medical students’ stigmatization of the mentally ill
A. Hopp, S. Dechering, S. Wilm, M. Pressentin, T. Müller, P. Richter, R. Schäfer, M. Franz, A. Karger
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001628
Gender medicine teaching increases medical students’ gender awareness: results of a quantitative survey
L. Wortmann, L. Haarmann, A. Yeboah, E. Kalbe
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001627
Dog assisted education in children with rheumatic diseases and adolescents with chronic pain in Germany
J. Kiesewetter, N. Herbach, I. Landes, J. Mayer, V. Elgner, K. Orle, A. Grunow, R. Langkau, C. Gratzer, A. F. Jansson
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001626
Gewusst wie…
Development of an interactive elective “altered anatomy” for students as part of the Z-curriculum according to the NKLM 2.0
K. Koch, B. Hirt, T. Shiozawa-Bayer, A. Köningsrainer, S. Fusco, D. Wichmann
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001625
Empfehlungen / Positionspapiere
Competence-based catalog of learning objectives for the subject area of quality management in medical studies – position paper of the working group Quality Management in Education, Training and Continuing Education of the Society for Quality Management in Health Care (GQMG)
Vogeser, K. Börchers, J. James, J. Koch, D. Kurscheid-Reich, S. Kuske, B. Pietsch, S. Zillich
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001624
Jan Stöhlmacher: Damit Vertrauen im Sprechzimmer gelingt: Ein persönlicher Wegweiser für Patienten und ihre Angehörig
W. Angstwurm
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001623
Joachim Küchenhoff, Martin Teising: Sich selbst töten mit Hilfe Anderer. Kritische Perspektiven auf den assistierten Suizid
L. Wagner
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3205/zma001622